❤`❤`❤ LuV mE WiTh0uT pReJudIcE, tRusT mE wIth0uT fEaR, AcCepT mE aS wHaT aM i bE ❤`❤`❤

Norliza Binti Abu Bakar seperti nama yang tertera di ic. tapi saya lebih selesa dipanggil dengan "Liza". thats my name sejak kecil lagi. kt office i had my initial name 'nor'. in family they call me 'adik' coz im the youngest in the family. i had 3 brother & 1 sister. if u wanna know bout me, u can c in my profile. i already put there. well, hope anyone who know me will owez be wif me. terima saya seadanya... im not a perfect person. hope u enjoy wif my blog, my story & everything i wanna share wif all of u....

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Ada sesetgh perkara kita bole igt
And ada sesetghnya kita harus lupakn mcm tu saja
Tapi aku x tahu knpa 1 perkara ni aku x bole lupa
It was one sweet moment for me
Bila time2 aku bosan or sedih, terus aku igt akan hal itu
Hal yg buatkn aku gelak2 or senyum2
Biar pn aku cuba utk ada saat lain dgn org lain
Tapi x pernah aku rasa sama mcm aku rasa dgn dia
Pas tu aku terjpa benda ni dkat instagram
Ohhh... Aku pernah upload kt sana yerrr??
Aku pn dh x igt
Tahun lepas pya cerita kannn
#throwback thing on thursday mornin
~i love the way u are bcoz thats u
Who am i to change ur behaviour??
~but i know, everything i did is useful
  im not belongin to u and no one to other
  i am who am i who still alone & live with all the
  sweet memory i have

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