❤`❤`❤ LuV mE WiTh0uT pReJudIcE, tRusT mE wIth0uT fEaR, AcCepT mE aS wHaT aM i bE ❤`❤`❤

Norliza Binti Abu Bakar seperti nama yang tertera di ic. tapi saya lebih selesa dipanggil dengan "Liza". thats my name sejak kecil lagi. kt office i had my initial name 'nor'. in family they call me 'adik' coz im the youngest in the family. i had 3 brother & 1 sister. if u wanna know bout me, u can c in my profile. i already put there. well, hope anyone who know me will owez be wif me. terima saya seadanya... im not a perfect person. hope u enjoy wif my blog, my story & everything i wanna share wif all of u....

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, April 26, 2013

RiP BaBy

kesian kt momel junior ni
baru 1 week dh x ada
terkezuttt aku bgn pgi smlm
mcm biasa la aku ni dgn kuceng
aku mesti usik2 dlu sblm prg keje or bgn tido pagi2
itu mmg yg aku akan buat weekdays
tgh aku dok siap2, aku intai2 la kotak yg ada kitten
sbbnya kt dlm bilik kotak tu
yg 4 ekor momok2 tu tido skli
tpi momel junior ni seperate
aku pn usik2 la
lorrr.... dh keras. kesian dia tau
aku tgk momel junior pn mcm dlm keadaan tido
ermmm.... x apalah
so, skrg ni momel dh x ada pesaing lgi
momel junior dh x ada
pic kt atas tu sblm aku buried dia ptg smlm
siannn sgttt.... dh selamat aku buried kt blkg umah pn
so, cpt la membesorrr momok2 4 ekor lgi yerrr
bole kawan dgn damdam & bubu senior nti

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